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China Enquiry Form


Please submit your question in the form below and a member our enquiries team will be in touch with you shortly.

Upon submitting this form, your enquiry will be forwarded on to our enquiries team who will contact you  to answer your question and provide further details about the course that you are interested in.


Your Contact Preferences


What we’re going to do with your data and why? 我们将如何处理您的数据以及原因?

We will securely store your data and send you essential information (examples include updates on an application or booking confirmations for events such as Open Days). 我们将安全地存储您的数据并向您发送重要信息(例如,包括应用程序更新或预订活动(如开放日)的预订)。

We would also like to send you useful information about studying at University (particularly Keele) and/or the courses that you have shown an interest in. To do this we need your consent and information on which communication channels you would like to hear from us on (please see opt-in boxes above). 我们还想向您发送有关在大学(尤其是基尔大学)学习和/或您感兴趣的课程的有用信息。为此,我们需要您的同意以及提供您希望从我们这里获得哪些沟通渠道的信息。开启同意(请参见上方的“选择加入”框)。

We will never sell your data to a third party. We only ever share data with companies involved in helping us communicate with you or helping us to manage your data (examples include; Online forms, Printers, Postal services, other University partners etc). 我们绝不会将您的数据出售给第三方。我们仅与参与帮助我们与您沟通或帮助我们管理您的数据的公司共享数据(示例包括;在线表格,打印机,邮政服务,其他大学合作伙伴等)。

How long are we keeping it? 我们要保留数据多久?

We will keep your data for the year that you first enquire with us plus 6 subsequent years. This is to ensure that you are legally protected should you have any issues with the use of your data. 




By selecting no to the preferences above you will have unsubscribed, however, this does not mean that your data has been deleted. If you would like to invoke your right to be forgotten please refer to the section below. 通过在上面的首选项中选择“否”,您将退订,但这并不意味着您的数据已被删除。如果您想修改被删除的权利,请参阅以下部分。

What to do if I change my mind? 如果我改变主意该怎么办?

To change your preferences after you have closed this form, simply reopen the link to this page. For further information about how your data is held, including your right to be forgotten, please contact 要在关闭此表单后更改选项,只需重新打开此页面的链接即可。有关如何保存您的数据(包括您被删除的权利)的更多信息,请联系